It’s Tuesday! You know what that means, right?
I’m linking up with Beckster (You know how I like to give people nicknames… hope that’s cool with you girl) over at Olives ‘N’ Wine for her Treat Yourself Tuesday Linkup!
A lot of the time, I end up treating myself over the weekends, and it ends up being a bit of weekend wrap-up as well. Ergo, I created a picture in PicMonkey, because I’m kind of obsessed with it. (True Life: I developed graphics in PicMonkey to illustrate my points in my grad school presentation this week. When your worlds collide! You know you’re a blogger when… #noshameinmygame #bloggerproblems)
This weekend, I treated myself to LOTS of time with friends and family (and a little bit of hair and nails...) <3 This was a special weekend, too, because it was my sister’s birthday on Saturday – I’ll get to that in a minute though
I had a half day on Thursday, and was off on Friday, so I took full advantage of it!
On Thursday, I spent some time with my friend Amanda – who did my pictures! – who’s about to have her third bundle of joy here in a few days!
I also got my hair highlighted, which I talked about doing in my Thinking Out Loud post! They’re not photographing too well, but you can see them a bit in my meditation picture I posted in the #Elf4Health Facebook page (our challenge yesterday!)
On Thursday night, I went to see the new Hobbit movie with my sister and her boyfriend at Midnight! It’s fantastic, but I sure was getting sleepy towards the end (3am!!!) Filed under: you know you’re getting older when…
I slept in until Noon on Friday (a treat in itself!) and then took my sister to breakfast (well Breakfast for us, it really was lunchtime!) and to get her nails done for her birthday!
Then on Friday evening, I had my cookie party! I’m the worst blogger ever, and didn’t get any pictures of my cookies or anyone else’s. I did manage to snag a picture of the appetizer spread though:
It was a fantastic party, and I’m hoping to throw one again next year!
The night didn’t end too late though, because I was volunteering at my first Girls On The Run event bright & early Saturday morning. I worked Registration for their big winter 5K, and it was combined with a big race, so there were A LOT of people!
It was really neat to be on the other side of a race and I hope to do it again. It was also great to meet some of the people involved with GOTR because did I mention to you all that I’m coaching a middle school GOTR team in the Spring?! SO SO SO excited!
Most of the rest of the day on Saturday was spent with the famsquad- seeing Peachie on her birthday, decorating the tree with my mama, sister and brother (who’s home from college!) and making sure our beagle was festive as well.
Sunday was spent paper writing in the morning, and then we celebrated my sister’s birthday with her birthday dinner Sunday evening since she was away on Saturday evening. Delicious homemade stuffed shells and homemade Carrot Cake. Great choices, Peachie, great choices.
Now, one paper is standing between me and enjoying my 2 week break, so I just may treat myself by finishing that tonight so I can r-e-l-a-x.
P.S. Love you (mean it) for all your amazing responses to my post yesterday. “Have I told you lately that I love you? Ease my troubles, yeah, that’s what you do.” Singing this to all of you!
Have blogging tools ever made it into your real life? Am I the only one that’s ever used PicMonkey for a project?!
Isn’t Lily absolutely adorable?
Tell me how you treated yourself, and link-up with Becky if you posted about it!