I’ve been talking about #elf4health a lot lately on Lindsay Weighs In, I know! There’s a reason for that though.
First off all, this is the first challenge I’ve really completely put my heart and soul into. I’m making sure that I do the challenges everyday, and more so I’m excited to do the challenges and to share them on the Facebook group, Instagram and Twitter. I don’t feel like I have to – I’m excited that I get to.
Monday & Tuesday:
I talked a bit about my Monday and Tuesday challenges previously, to Go Meatless and to Unsubscribe.
Wednesday: Try a new workout
I had hoped to make it to the gym on Wednesday, but just wasn’t feeling it. Thankfully, because of this challenge, I didn’t just to do nothing (which is probably what I would have done!) Instead, I tried a new workout OnDemand that I actually ended up kind of loving it!
Thursday: Make a phone call
On Thursday, we were to make a phone call to someone we were thankful for. Of course, I chose my grandmother, who I call Mamere. You already know a bit about her, because we actually just celebrated her birthday all together at the beach in October.
She is one of my biggest champions, supporters and someone I am so incredibly thankful to know and to call family. I love her so much!
Friday: Track Water Intake
I was off work on Friday (so thankful!) and I’ve talked about before how I have a harder time drinking enough water when I’m not at work. At work, I use my tumbler to refill water throughout the day. Apparently, it’s too hard for me to lift the Brita pitcher and pour water into the cup (#sarcasmfont) at home.
I also like to have my water really, really cold and always use ice. So, I think part of the problem is also that we have an ice maker at work, and at home I have to get ice out of the tray. I am lazy.
I didn’t do as well as I would have hoped, but I’m still happy I tried. I actually kind of loved tracking the water via the WaterLogged app, and plan to continue to try to track it regularly using the app.
Saturday: Treat Yourself
Well, we all already know how I treated myself for Saturday’s challenge! I’m so grateful that I had a day to do so many of my favorite things, and indulge in a coffee I probably shouldn’t have paid for (even though it was only $1.75!) because I could have made it at home.
If you haven’t caught on yet about my excitement for Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday – followed closely behind by my birthday. YES, my birthday is a holiday. Thank you!
Sunday: 100 Burpees
This is the challenge I was the MOST worried about. Could I do 100 burpees? Is this where I would fail at the challenge? Are Lindsay & Elle totally CRAZY?! (Nope. Thanks ladies!)
I had to break them up in sets of 10, but I did them while I was watching The Family Man on ABCFamily, which is one of my favorite Holiday movies. Gotta love ABCFamily’s 25 Days of Christmas!
It was amazing how awesome I felt after doing those 100 burpees. I’m so thankful that this challenge made me do something I didn’t think I could do. Plus, I’m STILL feeling them today, so I guess I did something right
If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you’ve probably seen a lot of these pictures already so I’m so sorry to share them again!
Last night, I sent my elf Rachael, and my adopted elf, Yoli, an e-mail with some information and what I was planning on doing for week two’s challenges. It’s our last week as elfies together before we change to our new elves! I hope it helped!
How are all my other wonderful elves doing with their week?
Even if you’re not doing #Elf4Health, I’m challenging you all to go make-up free today. You’re all beautiful, inside & out!